Earlier, I described some of the problems with our healthcare system. I then told you I thought structuring our market the way the Bismarck model does could get
I love our bookshelf. And yes, I know that’s silly because bookshelves are (at the end of the day) shelves. For storing books. I freely acknowledge that fact
Andy Slavitt noted that we tend to have a major discussion about healthcare once every decade. Trouble is, that when we talk about it, we focus mostly on
Neutrik plugs are supposed to be the best. My boutique pedal mentions Neutrik jacks in the specs and the Mogami cables I have been coveting for months but
Mitchell is a company that has, in recent years, established itself as a manufacturer of both high-quality and affordable acoustic guitars. Many professional musicians use them, using their
You often hear the phrase “that cheap Chinese junk” meaning that products made in China can’t possibly be of anywhere near the quality of products manufactured in the